Tag: g-w online learning

What is the Student Cry for Help?

We’re going to dive right into the water. There will be no paddling. Do you stare at your course schedule with a blank expression as though it was some kind of hieroglyphics from the ancient world that is impossible to understand? Your situation is not unique. There seems to be a student whispering, or sometimes even shouting: “Take my class at home online tutor! In the hope that an answer will come, you stared into space.

Imagine that we could all clone each other. It’s not like a sci-fi story where the plot always goes south. What I’m talking about is an easy way to have two people in the same place at the same time. Imagine: you are both in two places at once. One is on top of that lecture scheduled for 8 AM, while the second one catches those Zs and/or works. Sounds dreamy, right? Cloneing isn’t possible in the real world unless you have a secret lab.

What do we do then? There’s no way to magically multiply our hours or divide ourselves (I tried). You may find yourself tempted to sign up for a “take my classes” service when you need to balance essays and exams along with your million other obligations.

This is a surprise – the goal of learning shouldn’t be to pass tests or get good grades. Like going on a trip without having to leave your seat. If you don’t go on this journey, who knows what kind of treasures might be missed? Imagine skipping over the book chapter where your hero learns about their power or the hilarious joke. This is what can happen when someone takes your homework.

There are still some tough times. While tuition is rising faster than Jack’s bean-stalk, the job market has a similar welcoming atmosphere to a swimming pool with a lot of sharks. This is the equivalent of swimming upstream, with heavy weights attached to your ankles.

How about a new thought? Why don’t you shake up things instead of waiting for someone to come and take your place? Reverse the education system. Let’s turn education on its head. Think of classes that fit around real life rather than the other way round.

Imagine that the university is more of a game than an obstacle. If failing was part of the game, and going back to try is rewarded by everyone around you, then universities would be a lot more fun.

If we don’t get there, who is to say we won’t? Keep sharing your whispered requests and loud yells with each other because those are signs that you’re still striving, fighting. Asking someone to “take my class” is not the best way forward.

But until then, let’s push through each day because sometimes surviving can be its own form of thriving. Finding ways to improve education and make it more interesting and engaging could help us navigate this maze. It’s not just you. We are all on the same statistical boat, trying to navigate these numerical waves without capsizing.

Remember, statistics is just numbers telling stories. Take your calculator sword and let’s create some epic tales! At least, don’t fall asleep reading our books. Asking why someone feels that way is better than being morally superior. It is important to listen, and not just because we are uncomfortable.